
Yosemite National Park

Nu har de äntligen lagt upp information om de projekt vi kommer att arbeta med i höst..

"Yosemite Revegetation

Yosemite offers challenging and diverse reveg projects, including cutting down encroaching lodgepole pine trees with with hand saws, building fences, planting trees, spread mulch, cutting blackberry bushes, and of course planting. Yosemite Trails One of the premier trails programs in the USA , Yosemite crews are famous for their skills in rockwork. Expect production oriented projects in breathtaking front and backcountry environments. Spend up to 6 weeks camping in remote high elevation mountain environments."

Sequoia National Park

"King's Canyon/ Sequoia National Park

Home to the world's largest trees growing in lush forests in the soaring Sierra Nevada Mountains, Sequoia N.P.'s unique habitat is hreatened by invasion from exotic species. ACE crews will help eliminate one such species, reed canarygrass by running mowers and weed eaters, and laying black fabric down and anchoring it with blanket pins."

"California State Parks

ACE is currently organizing both Reveg and Trails projects in many of Central California's most beautiful state parks. 12 state parks in coastal preserves and Redwood covered mountainsoffer a wide range of restoration activities in a variety of climates within 2 hours of Santa Cruz."

Bilderna är lånade från http://www.nationalparkreservations.com/ och informationen kommer från ACE's hemsida.


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